Every Sunday at 9 am and 11 am we offer kids programs for children as young as 2 months old to 5th graders. Our mid-week programs held on Wednesdays at 7pm serves children 3 years old to those in 8th grade.
Nursery 2 months to 36 months (Sundays at 9 am and 11 am)
Our staff is equipped and trained to welcome your baby into our nursery. Not only are they ready to nurture your baby while in our care, but they are screened and background checks are cleared before they serve. The staff takes extra care to ensure the nursery room is sanitized thoroughly. We have a well baby policy where any sick baby will not be permitted until he/she is well again. This helps us to keep all children healthy while in our care. Our electronic call system and wristband identification system helps us to call parents and ensures our children are safe during their time with us.
Ages 3 - 5 (Sundays at 9 am and 11 am)
Our Preschool/Kindergarten team is proactive in creating a loving environment for your child. While in our care, your child will experience upbeat worship music, Bible lessons taught with visuals, hands-on activities and play time.
Your child will feel at home and make new friends all while learning the word of God. The classroom is equipped with age appropriate furniture including a child size bathroom
First through Fifth Graders
(Sundays at 9 am and 11 am)
Children in first through fifth grade meet every Sunday at 9 and 11 am where they experience live worship (by our very own kids' worship team), meet fun characters, and engage with an amazing staff of volunteers who come prepared to pray with and teach your children.
A variety of teaching methods is used on a weekly basis - including breaking the classes into smaller grades, puppetry, videos, and more.
Royal Rangers & Girls Ministries
(Wednesdays at 7 pm during the school year)
Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries is open to children as young as 3 years of age to those in 8th grade. Children experience camping trips, outings, art, cooking, archery, and more...they are able to earn badges after completing their units, make life-long friends, as well as grow in the Lord and in His word.
This program runs during the school year and requires registration. Contact us for more information. (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON RANGERS OR GIRLS MINISTRIES)